Architecture During the Pandemic
Istanbul, TurkeySummer 2020, Architecture for All Workshop
Critic: Ufuk Yegenoglu Sezgen
Over the summer of 2020, I joined a workshop in Turkey about the experience of home during the pandemic. During the lockdown, we had to use our homes for activities we normally would do outdoors but because of the pandemic we were obligated to do them inside. I produced a series of drawings based on a series of conversations with the people living in crowded houselholds. Through the dialogs, I asked questions to understand their home experience during the pandemic.
I especially focused on homes which were occupied by more occupants than its capacity and tried to show the activities of its occupiers’ daily life. These included working from home, taking online classes, doing yoga, hobbies, sleeping arrangements. My goal was to analyze how the spatial qualities of homes have been changed due to overlapping activities taking place in a certain place of the home.In the next steps, I studied more dynamic homes designs which are able to adapt to higher occupancy number and increase in the activities.